Tamarind roll 200g - Bánh thơm ngon và bổ dưỡng - Tây Cát
Tay Cat., Ltd

Tamarind roll 200g

Tamarind roll 200g


Tamarind roll is a new product from Tu Bong brand from the end of 2019. Typical flavors: sour and mild sweet by selected ingredients from tamarind, pineapple (pineapple) and spicy stimulant from chili. Tamarind roll is suitable as a tasty snack for the officer or student!

Tamarind roll is a new specialty only in Dong Thap, Viet Nam.

banh me cuon

Although it was latest borned,  but by the enthusiasm, the meticulousness and dedication of the baker, tamarind rolls are always firmly established in the hearts of local and abroad customers.

Up to now, this candy cake is unique only in the Dong Thap and in Vietnam, which is produced and distributed by Tay Cat with the brand Tu Bong, therefore. The taste of this Tu Bong cake is always very delight and very specific.

The ingredients of this cake are also extremely diverse such as ripe tamarind meat, sugar, peanuts, pineapple, ginger, chili, sticky rice paper.

Hương vị chua ngọt tự nhiên từ me rất dễ gây nghiện

Although there are quite a lot of spices and ingredients, most of them are familiar ingredients in family meals in the Mekong Delta. Therefore, when enjoying this cake made from tamarind you will encounter something that is very rich flavor typical of the Mekong River.

This tamarind rolls has a sour taste from tamarind, one with sweet and sour taste from pineapple (pineapple), a little spicy from chili and a crunchy taste from peanuts, all creating an addictive flavor right on the first enjoy.

In particular, this cake is not as boring as other cakes, but extremely stimulating the taste of the eaters, helping people have attractive snacks.

To buy this product, customers can come to Tu Bong’s distribution points in more than 13 provinces across the country.

Tư Bông - địa chỉ mua các dòng bánh đặc sản miền Tây chất lượng trên thị trường


We also have online shopping system. You just place the order here, we will bring Tu Bong tamarind rolls to you by the most convenience and comfort way.

In addition to tamarind roll, Tu Bong also sells products of Vietnam specialty fruit rolls which includes delicious bags, such as: banana jam cake with peanuts, banana jam cake with sesame, banana jam cake with durian, banana jam cake with peanuts cashew nuts, soursop rolls, pineapple rolls, mango rolls, … To order as well as be consulted more about the product (distributing, retail or exporting/import), please contact:

Contact: Tay Cat., Ltd

Address: 374A/6 Tan Thanh Hamlet, Phong Hoa Ward, Dist. Lai Vung, Dong Thap Province, Vietnam

Email: cacthuy@gmail.com

Phone No: (+84) 277 653 6695

Hotline: (+84) 90 739 1389 (Ms. Thuy)

Please also follow us on Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/taycat.com.vn

To order online, you can access the following links:

Website: https://taycat.com.vn/cua-hang/
Or: https://tubong.vn/cua-hang
Shopee: https://shopee.vn/tubong.vn
Lazada: https://www.lazada.vn/shop/tubong-vn

In addition, for direct consultation, please call us at 0907 391 389 or 0986 823 348 !

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