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Bánh chuối phồng sầu riêng

Launching docs of Banana – Durian

by taycatadmin 15/10/2018
Tay Cat is proud to present the crispy Banana Jam Cake with Durian added. From the original banana crispy cake, we add the ripe and tasty durian. As a result, the cake has both the own traditional characteristics, a little sweet from banana, crispness from cake and peanut, warmth from ginger, now added with fatty and […]
Sản phẩm bánh (mứt) chuối phồng

Banana cake origin story

by taycatadmin 26/09/2018
Tu Bong was the name of our father, and it was also the name of his own boat-making workshop since the 1980s. As well as rice was our main crop, banana was our popular fruit. On the Tet holiday of 2013, our mother still made banana sweets (ginger caramelized banana) like usual. However, she modified […]

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